Anglican Church Women update

A warm thank you to all who participated in the 27 January ACW meeting, sharing lunch and fellowship.

For 25 years our Anglican Church Women have supported female students at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda. For many years, support was generated by our fundraising projects, augmented by dividends from bank shares held by Bishop and Chapter in trust for the ACW. It now is timely that the shares be cashed and the revenue invested.

The gathering willingly approved and endorsed the ACW Executive Committee’s course of action to invest in the Cathedral Anglican Church Women Education Trust Fund as managed by the DCIF of the Diocese and they accepted the Terms of Reference that this Fund will continue supporting students at this worthy institution.

Trees and treats at Christmas Luncheon

The Anglican Church Women, in partnership with Health Ministry, served 30+ guests at a Christmas Luncheon held 11 December.

The theme was ‘Trees’. Members of the congregation loaned items for a display, and the variety of decorative Christmas trees added to the festive lunch enjoyment.

Personal care items and donations were collected for Grace House women's shelter.

Sponsored students in Uganda

Please pray for the students and teachers at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda, as well as the Reverend Canon Paul Jeffries, rector of the College and Seminary.

The Cathedral ACW (Anglican Church Women) support three high school girls enrolled at the school. New student Susan has just begun her studies, Deborah and Angel are continuing their education, and Moliance recently graduated, completing her advanced level.

Below, see photos of the students, along with their recent letters.

Who was Elizabeth Scovill?

Many Anglicans in the Diocese will know the name Pickett-Scovil, but did you ever wonder who these people were?

In our Diocese, the Pickett-Scovil Memorial Fund, administered by the Anglican Church Women (ACW), assists retired clergy and widow(ers) with dental and medical expenses not covered by medical plans and Medicare.

Elizabeth Scovil, a nurse, started the fund in 1910 with friend and fellow nurse Lucy Vail Pickett, and...

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Read the full article, written by Gisele McKnight and published on the NB Anglican website on July 9, 2024.

Spring Tea provides treats, treasures, and outreach support

Cathedral Health Ministries with help from the Anglican Church Women (ACW), hosted a 'Spring Awakes' Tea in the Cathedral on the afternoon of April 23. This all-inclusive gathering was in keeping with the Medley Tea of former years that celebrated the arrival of spring.

The Reverend Isabel Cutler and the Reverend Debbie Edmondson, Deacons, opened the afternoon “celebration” with prayer and poetry readings.

Hank Williams, a Cathedral Verger (and Cathedral lay historian) displayed historical tapestries, sacramental and decorative items, and shared stories associated with the items. Attendees were pleased to see three tables of treasures; some of which are typically stored in the Cathedral vault. Items included:

  • The Royal Bible, given to the Cathedral by H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales on his visit in 1860. It was subsequently signed by many royals when visiting Fredericton, including Queen Elizabeth (as Queen, and when she was Princess), Prince Phillip, and King Charles (when he was Prince of Wales).
  • A Traveling Altar, used by Bishop Tully Kingdon, third Bishop of Fredericton (1892-1907) in his travels around the diocese.
  • Small bells made from molten metal from the original cathedral bells of 1853, following the fire in 1911. They were created to raise funds for restoration.
  • A silver communion set, said to have been given to St. Paul's Church, Public Landing, NB by George III.
  • Hangings for the high altar, designed and sewn by Lucy McNeill.
  • The Queen Victoria pulpit fall, said to be made from cloth from the coronation robes of Queen Victoria (unconfirmed).
  • An altar frontal with a label on the back which says it was hanging on an altar in Westminister Abbey on the day of the coronation of King William IV in 1830.

The Cathedral Outreach Committee was pleased and grateful to receive a large quantity and a wide variety of toiletries for the outreach program, which were donated by attendees of the Tea. These items will be offered to people in need, along with non-perishable groceries, supermarket gift cards, a bag lunch, used clothing and small housewares, during monthly gatherings held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon gathering of conversation, tea, treats, and viewing the vault treasures. It is so important to continue to host gatherings, as these events strengthen the bonds of our church community - spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Gather for tea, treats and treasures

The Cathedral Health Ministry and Anglican Church Women (ACW) invite you to attend a Spring gathering in the Cathedral.

Join us on Tuesday, 23 April from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Enjoy tea, treats and treasures. You’ll have the opportunity to view rarely-seen historical treasures from the Cathedral!

The Cathedral is wheelchair accessible. All are welcome.

Donations of toiletry items will be gratefully accepted for the Cathedral Outreach program.

Christmas Luncheon

The ACW and Health Ministry enjoyed planning and presenting this luncheon, and sharing their collections of unique and favourite Santa Claus and Snowmen decorations.

The empty chairs you see in the photo were filled with more than 40 people from our congregation on 05 December, which was a lovely winter day.

The soups were a hit, and few Christmas sweets were left for the elves. There was no fee for the meal, but many donations and items in gift bags were collected for Grace House women’s shelter.

Deacon Debbie Edmondson offered a thoughtful and timely reflection as to the hope and anticipated joy of the Advent season. Catherine Macdonald provided a lovely piano medley of Christmas favourites during the lunch period.

To bring so many together to enjoy fellowship – and food, was a blessing and reward for the hosts of the day.

- by Kaye Small

Christmas Luncheon hosted by ACW

Celebrate the coming of Christmas with Cathedral members and friends!

Gather for soup, rolls, sweets, tea and coffee, surrounded by a display of Snowmen and Santa Claus.

This holiday event will be hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) on Tuesday, 05 December, from 11:30-1:30 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

Personal care items and donations will be collected for Grace House women's shelter.

Share your snowmen and Santa decorations to help us decorate! Deliver items to the Cathedral Office between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon on weekdays. Don't forget to label items with your name, so they can be returned!

ACW Christmas Tea

The Anglican Church Women (ACW) welcomed 35 guests to a Christmas Tea on a balmy December 7 afternoon.

Guests entering Memorial Hall were greeted by brightly lit Christmas trees and surrounding tables displaying beautiful and unique angels - no two of the 50+ were alike.  Conversation, sharing and ‘catching up’ was the buzz around the tea tables.

The guests were very generous with their gifts for Grace House, and we receive grateful recognition from the women's shelter for the yearly delivery.

Of course, as a Christmas gathering, there were seasonal sweet favourites to enjoy with a beverage of choice.

We had pleasure in preparing and hosting; our guests had pleasure in sharing and fellowship.

Photos taken by Helen Liang

Angels wanted for display at Christmas Tea

Do you have Christmas angel decorations? Share your ‘host’ of angels, a single ‘lovely’ or a bevy of the ’littlest’ for an angel display that will be enjoyed by guests attending a Christmas Tea hosted by the Anglican Church Women.

Join the festivities! Celebrate the coming of the Christmas season with Cathedral members and friends. Tea and sweets will be provided at this event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Wednesday, 07 December, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. All ages are welcome to attend to enjoy conversation, sweets and the angel display. At the event, masks are encouraged when not eating.

As in past years, the ACW will collect items for the Grace House women's shelter. Personal care items are requested, as well as donations which can be used to purchase items.

Please drop off your angel(s) at the Cathedral Office between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon weekdays, or contact Jennifer Griffiths <jmmgriffiths at>. If possible, deliver angels by Tuesday, 06 December so the decorating team can display them in advance of the Tea. Please label your angels so they can be returned.