5 Real Tips for Tired Couples — Prepare-Enrich

“I’m so tired.”

It can seem like being tired is just part of being an adult. You’ve got things to do, places to be, and only so much time for sleep. Sometimes your season of life dictates whether you’re getting enough of sleep, and it’s hard to change. Other times, you have more control over the situation.

While being tired is a normal part of life for many, the reality is that when you’re both exhausted, neither of you are at your best. You might be irritable, moody, overly sensitive, critical, or defensive. Your communication skills suffer, and you simply don’t have much left in the tank for each other. It goes without saying that this can be detrimental to your marriage over time. Want to avoid damage to your relationship? Grab a cup of coffee and check out these realistic tips.Prepare-Enrich

1. Assess the situation.

If you’re in agreement that tiredness is taking its toll, determine whether you’re able to make any lifestyle changes to better allocate your energy. It may be that you’re simply in an exhausting phase of life, whether it’s due to having young children, demanding jobs or schedules, caring for other family members, etc. However, if you find that you are able to tweak your daily commitments and activities to allow you to get more rest, that’s great. Come up with a plan to make those adjustments ...  read more at Prepare-Enrich


5 Reasons You Don’t Feel Like a Team

Do you and your spouse feel like a team? Or does it seem like something is getting in the way of that lately? It’s not unusual to go through periods where things are just out of sync between you. It can feel like you’re constantly at odds or working against each other, even if it’s not intentional. What’s going wrong?

Social media and marriage: 5 essential tips

Social media has become so pervasive that it’s hard to even remember what it was like without it. These days, it almost takes more intention and effort to avoid it than to join in. Friends and family use it for events and parties; it’s where all the latest trends seem to pop up, and people even gain celebrity status just by sharing their lives on it.

It begs the question: what impact has it had on marriages and relationships? While there are probably a few positives, one could argue that the effects skew pretty negative. The good news, of course, is that you can avoid this outcome. Here are five essential tips to ensure that social media doesn’t harm your marriage.

1. Set boundaries.

Are you in agreement about what is and isn’t okay to share about each other and your relationship? What about who you communicate with or are “friends” with? What should you do if an ex reaches out? Even if these things are not an issue for you, it’s good to have a conversation just to make sure you’re on the same page. And if it has caused conflict in the past ...  Read more