Shrove Tuesday has always been a celebration for the Cathedral congregation.
Join us at Cathedral Memorial Hall, 168 Church Street, on 04 March, 2025 between 4:30-6:30 pm. The meal will include pancakes, sausages, and beans followed by gingerbread with toppings. Coffee and tea will be available. Admission is by freewill donation.
We need a few extra helpers to make it happen again this year! Can you assist as a table server? It's always a smooth-running and enjoyable event with lots of smiles and “thank you”s, and it’s a great way to see old friends and new visitors. Contact Jim Morell or the Cathedral Office to volunteer. Email <office at> or phone 506-450-8500.
See photos from past pancake suppers, and more activities and events from the Guild of St. Joseph.
When many people think of churches, they think of buildings filled with people on Sundays and holidays, but empty and closed for most of the week.
At the Cathedral (and indeed, in many churches), that isn’t the case.
Christ Church Cathedral was given recognition as a National Historic Site in 1981. Along with being a stunning example of Gothic revival architecture, the Cathedral also played a part in the designation of Fredericton as a City by Queen Victoria. Due to its historic and architectural significance, our Cathedral is a popular tourist destination in Fredericton. It is located in the heart of downtown Fredericton, near the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.
Each year, thousands of tourists visit the Cathedral. In July and August alone, we typically welcome between two and three thousand visitors. Free guided tours are provided seven days a week during the summer months, thanks to a funding community funding grant from the City of Fredericton. Throughout the rest of the year, between September and June, visitors are invited to visit the Cathedral on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., learning about the architecture and history using self-guided tour booklets which are available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and German). Private tours are sometimes arranged upon request for groups - it’s not uncommon for us to receive special requests from conference organizers or Fredericton Tourism staff.
Another benefit of the Cathedral being open to the public on weekdays is to give people a quiet place to pray. Some churches in our area are not able to remain open throughout the week. We welcome attendance at morning and evening prayer, held at 8:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday, and lasting approximately fifteen minutes each. Throughout the day between those times, anyone is welcome to visit for prayer or reflection.
Worship including Holy Eucharist is held in the Cathedral on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong once a month, plus regular Taizé worship. Special services are held on weekdays throughout the year, such as during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and days such as the Ascension, New Year’s, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (visit our calendar for schedules), along with weddings and funerals upon request. Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations are typically held on festival Sundays. Many services are livestreamed.
Because of the magnificent architecture of the Cathedral, many photographers drop by to take photos inside and outside, and individuals and photography teachers can schedule sessions within the Cathedral. We encourage photographers to share or tag us in their Cathedral photos.
Speaking of photography… did you know that several movies and television programs have used the Cathedral to film scenes? Theatre performances have also been held inside and outside the Cathedral (Godspell and Camelot, to name just two!). During the summer months, the Calithumpians Theatre Troupe performs family-friendly performances on the Cathedral lawn, as well as hosting summer camps. Children are welcome inside the Cathedral.
Accessible gender-neutral washrooms (one with a changing table) are open to the public.
Many musical events and concerts are held at Christ Church Cathedral each year. In addition to regular rehearsals of our Cathedral Choir, Youth Choir and Worship band, the community choral group Bel Canto Singers hold weekly rehearsals in the Cathedral. Because of the fabulous acoustics, we are a favoured venue for classical and choral music. We have hosted concerts for local groups such as the Fredericton Symphony Orchestra, Atlantic Sinfonia, the Elm City String Quartet, Bel Canto Singers, Delacroix Classix, and many more. We have also welcomed touring musicians such as the Gerdan Theatre Ukrainian Choir, Choeur Louisbourg, and Dan Bremnes. The Cathedral was the site of Fredericton's 175th anniversary concert, A Celebration of Us, and is often selected as one of the locations for the NB Summer Music Festival. Each year, the Cathedral Director of Music organizes our long-running Summer Music Series, which presents free concerts on Fridays over the lunch hour, featuring a variety of musicians, soloists and groups from Fredericton and beyond.
Even a weekly exercise class is held in the Cathedral! Chair Yoga is held on Friday mornings throughout most of the year. It’s a gentle way to stretch and get in shape, suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Holding the class in the Cathedral makes it convenient to enter for people with mobility challenges. Our Health Ministry team organizes this initiative, and also holds blood pressure clinics several times a year in the Cathedral.
A variety of groups, speakers and classes also use the Cathedral and lawn on an as-needed basis. These include guest speakers whose lectures are sometimes livestreamed, sacramental preparation courses, training for groups such as servers, and congregational and community groups such as our Sanctuary Guild, Mothers’ Union, Guild of St. Joseph, Anglican Church Women, Diocese of Fredericton, Scouts and Cubs, L’Arche Fredericton, and a guided autobiography group. Fellowship events such as teas and picnics are also held in and around the Cathedral.
You are welcome to visit the Cathedral (for the first time, or more often). You’ll find us at 150 Church Street, and our doors are open weekdays between 8:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (excepting holidays, and with an extended 7-day schedule in the summer). Sometimes you’ll have an opportunity for quiet reflection or touring, and other times you’ll encounter some of our dedicated staff, clergy, or volunteers. Say hello! We encourage you to become aware of and involved in activities happening in the Cathedral throughout the year.
As for how Cathedral Memorial Hall is used… the story of that well-used building will have to be a whole separate article!
The slideshow below shows photos of a wide range of activities in and around the Cathedral:
An Account of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Cathedral in Fredericton, October 15, 1845
Church in the Colonies. No. XI. Diocese of Fredericton. London: The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, February, 1846.
In ancient times the Cathedrals of Old England, which are still the glory and ornament of that country, and are now more visited and admired than ever, were built by the Bishops of the respective Sees, assisted by the multitude of the faithful, who rejoiced to pour their offerings into the treasury of God. In faith the work was begun; the builders died, and left their work unfinished, but others took it up, and by God's help brought it to an end. But the Colonies of England, though every where dispersed, knew no such glory; and for a long season the gathering in of the "unrighteous mammon" seemed to be the sole end of colonization. At length, the note of preparation is heard, and in more than one Colony God's servants "think upon the stones" of his Church, and "it pitieth them to see her in the dust." New Brunswick is one of the first Colonies in which the foundation stone has been actually laid: an event the more remarkable, when we reflect, that no such work has been begun since the Norman Conquest, that is, for the last 700 years; a work in which the goodness of God is manifestly made known towards us.
As many persons are interested in the success of the undertaking, the following account may not be unacceptable.
On Wednesday the 15th of October, pursuant to a notice signed by the Lord Bishop, a procession was formed at the Province Hall, a short time before three o'clock in the afternoon, and the whole body proceeded to the ground in the following order:--
The Band of the 33d Regiment of Foot.
The Officers of the Regiment.
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in Military Uniform.
The Members of the Legislative Council.
His Honour the Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls.
Mr. Justice Carter. Mr. Justice Parker.
Members of the House of Assembly, and Members of the Bar.
The Lord Bishop, bearing his Pastoral Staff.
The Archdeacon, The Bishop's Chaplain,
And 19 other Clergy in their Robes.
Inhabitants of Fredericton and other parts of the Province.
A large multitude accompanied the procession on either side, and when it reached the ground, every place was occupied, the number of spectators being probably between two and three thousand.
The Bishop, presenting His Excellency with a silver trowel, (the gift of Mr. Spahn, of Fredericton,) requested him to lay the foundation stone of the new Cathedral, and, previous to the ceremony, offered up the following Prayer:--
O LORD, mighty and glorious, who fillest all things with thy presence, and canst not be contained within the bounds of heaven and earth, much less within these narrow walls, yet dost vouchsafe to accept the poor endeavours of thy humble servants allotting special places for thy worship; we humbly beseech thee to accept this day's service of separating this place from worldly uses, and marking it out to be hereafter wholly dedicated to thy glorious name. Accept, O Lord, the offering of this spot at the hands of those who have faithfully given it unto thee. Prosper the work, and those who build in it. Make it thy holy dwelling place for evermore. Let it be hereafter consecrated and made wholly thine by the ministry of thine appointed Pastor. Here may prayers, supplications, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men: here may thy sacred word be read, preached, heard, and blessed. And be present with us, O Lord, at this time, and with all who shall hereafter minister or worship in this place; and consecrate us unto an Holy Temple unto thyself, dwelling in our hearts by faith, and thoroughly cleansing us from all worldly and carnal affections, that we may be devoutly given to serve thee in all good works. Thus may we ever continue in the mystical body of thy blessed Son our Lord; and united in the bonds of a true faith, a lively hope, and a never-failing charity, may we, after this short life ended, enter with joy thy everlasting kingdom, and be built up as pillars in the temple of our God, to go no more out for evermore.--Amen.
The prayer ended, the Stone was raised, and His Excellency proceeded to deposit the bottle containing a few coins, with an inscription written on parchment, in a cavity of the large block of granite selected for the Foundation Stone.
The following is a copy of the Inscription:--
In Honorem Dei Opt: Max:
Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti,
Ecclesia¦ hujus Cathedralis
Fundamenta jecit
Provincial Nova-Brunsvicensis, pro hac vice Legatus,
Res divinas peragente JOANNE MEDLEY,
Episcopo Frederico-politano.
Anno Episcopatus Primo.
Idibus Octob: MDCCCXLV.
The Stone having been lowered with the accustomed formalities, His Excellency proceeded to address those present as follows:--
"My Lord Bishop, Reverend Gentlemen, and Gentlemen,
"Called by your indulgence, and at the special request of you, my Lord, our respected and esteemed diocesan, to take a prominent part in laying the Foundation Stone of this Cathedral about to be erected, I cannot but regard it as an occasion for solemn thankfulness that I should thus be associated.
"To any one who has beheld the noble structures which by the piety of our ancestors have been raised to the honour of God in our Mother Country, I can appeal for an acknowledgment of those feelings which their contemplation awakens. I have ever considered that the elevation of our Gothic spires--contrasted as they are in this respect with the temples of heathen antiquity--are calculated to inspire those lofty and sublime emotions which are the peculiar attributes of our Christian faith.
"To our worthy Bishop, Gentlemen, we are indebted for the pains he has taken in obtaining for us a fine model for the Edifice we are about to raise, and which I may be permitted devoutly to anticipate will long endure after we shall have passed away, though not, as I hope, to be obliterated from the pious remembrances of those who may succeed us and witness its completion.
"There is something at once solemn, impressive, and consoling in the reflection, amidst the perishing elements around us, and the cares and vicissitudes of our brief existence, that we are contributing to rear a solid and imposing structure, to be dedicated to the worship of that Being who has ever existed and will ever exist, and 'whose service is perfect freedom;' and as Englishmen we must feel grateful, that it has pleased Him to put it into the hearts of our fellow-countrymen at home to assist our slender resources in such an undertaking.
"Till this hour, and for more than forty years, we may consider that we have been wanderers in the Wilderness, though not, as I trust, without the Ark being with us in our wanderings, which is henceforth to find a habitation and a resting place.
"It is pleasing also to reflect that--as in the erection of the first Temple, and in the more memorable foundation of the Christian Church--the period chosen for our solemn dedication is one of universal peace--our country, in the full career of her high and honourable destiny, respected amongst the nations of the world for her piety and her charity, as she has been in the day of trial, with the blessing of God, in her martial achievements.
"It has been said, that the sun never rises nor sets upon Englishmen; and wherever it shines upon them, whether in the temperate or the torrid zone, by sea or by land, may they never forget the hand that has hitherto conducted them through perils; or, that they are engaged in the service of Him, who has promised to those who faithfully serve Him, to be with and sustain them always, and to build his temple in their hearts.
"It has been my lot to visit many regions where Englishmen have lived and died, far remote from the sepulchres of their country; and from the sense of desolation to which the impression has often given rise, it is to me an especial consolation to witness in the latter part of my life, the growing expansion in the East and in the West, of our ancient and venerable Church, destined, as I believe, by the Providence which watches over us, and sanctifies our labours, to sustain her part in the spread of the Gospel, the herald of 'peace on earth, and good will towards men.'
"The occasion may not inappropriately suggest to our minds the words of the Prophet--
'Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.
'Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet.'--Isa. xxviii. 16, 17.
The Lord Bishop then spoke to the following effect:--
"Sir William Colebrooke and Gentlemen,
"It affords me the greatest gratification to hear from your Excellency, sentiments to which every Christian heart must respond, and to find myself, on this eventful day, surrounded by the Judges and Law Officers of the Province, by Members of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, and by men high in station in the Province, and distinguished for their talents, who have, with a unanimity worthy of the occasion, come forward to support this great undertaking. The building a Cathedral in this Province may in some sense be called a National work: for whatever reflects the genius, the piety, and the glory of England, adds lustre to the nation from which the original idea is derived. It is in many other respects important; not only as a national type of the unity of the Church, but as a consecration to God on the part of man of all those gifts which God has been pleased to vouchsafe to him. For when do we glorify God so much as when we consider nothing to be properly our own, when we look upon all as His, lent to us for our use, but to be given back to Him, the great and glorious giver, and employed in His peculiar worship and service. Thus whatever our gifts be, whether they be gold and silver, whether they be wood or stone, whether they be skill in carving, force and eloquence in utterance, sweetness in music, taste in decoration, all are well used and employed, in the material expression of our inward thanks and praise, of our love and devotion to His glorious name.
"A Cathedral Church is also the common home of all; for as it is the Mother of all the Churches in the Diocese, so every one has a right to resort to it without payment, without that exclusive property in seats, alike forbidden in Scripture, and unsanction by the custom of the purest ages of the Church. And I joyfully anticipate the day, whether I live to see it or no, when the full importance of this great principle will be felt, that all men are sinful creatures, desirous to abase themselves in God's sight, and that therefore none should be excluded for want of money, and that there should be no distinction, but between those who serve the people, and those who are served by them. And possibly many who do not yet enjoy the full blessing and privileges of our Church, may yet feel inclined occasionally to enter a building so founded and built up.
"I am well aware that to the foundation of a Cathedral in this Province some persons may object that the money might be better expended than in what appears to them to be a lavish and wasteful expenditure, and needless display of ornament on the house of God. I for one fearlessly appeal to the laity of this country, and plainly ask them, whether the foundation of a Cathedral is not accompanied by a simultaneous movement on the part of the Church, to extend and improver her Missions, and to diffuse the glad tidings of the Gospel to the remotest corners of the Province, and whether there be not an anxiety on the part of the founders of the Cathedral, to promote the welfare of the poorest Church, and of the most uneducated and needy settlers.
"But let us join issue with such objectors on the footing of Scripture; let us ask them, whether they recollect that on a single building, 90 feet long by 30 wide, every part of which was built by express direction from the Almighty, vouchsafed in writing, no less a sum than three or four millions of our money was expended?
"And if under any dispensation whatever, Almighty God would never have sanctioned any thing morally wrong, why should we object to what has the direct sanction of the Old Testament, and is no where forbidden in the New? And when this so much praised plainness is carried out into the houses of the objectors themselves, when, in proportion to their increased means, men cease to ornament and fill with splendid furniture their own 'ceiled houses,' it will be time to let God's house lie waste, and to strip it of the ornaments which a grateful heart may bestow upon it. Such parts, however, of every such building, are probably better bestowed as gifts, than taken from the general fund appropriated for the fabric.
"Having disposed, as it seems to me, of this objection, it remains that I endeavour to impress upon this large assembly the duty of united and zealous co-operation. This Cathedral Church will best be built by our adopting the excellent Cornish motto "One and all;" by our reflecting that if we have little, "we should do our diligence to give of that little;" but if we have ample means, an abundant contribution will alone ensure its acceptance from the Almighty.
"Would to God, indeed, that every one who hears me this day could have worshipped within the walls of one of our glorious Cathedrals in Old England! Then I am sure I should not need to urge on you this duty, but your own zeal would outrun my desires. Recollect, that though built in Fredericton, it belongs to the Province; the design was conceived, and the first contributions were raised in the Mother Country, and it would indeed be a disgrace to New Brunswick if the efforts of Englishmen were not seconded here. But I believe they will be seconded. The attendance here of so many from all parts of the Province, the zeal of all classes and conditions of men, the kind and generous feelings already exhibited, put it beyond a doubt, that if we be only true to ourselves and to God, and do not suffer ourselves to be disheartened by the cry of the desponding, the work will be done; and we, by God's grace, shall live, some of us, to see the topmost stone erected, and it will be a joy to some of the children whom I see around me to say, when they reach old age, My parents helped to rear the stones of that Cathedral Church, and my children's children will rise up and call the builders blessed.
"I have now only once more to return you all my sincere thanks for your kindness in attending, for your active support, and likewise to the Officers and Band of the 33d Regiment, who have so cheerfully rendered their assistance on this solemn occasion.
"Let us conclude, as we began, with prayer."
When His Lordship had concluded his Address, he proceeded to use the following Prayer:--
"O GOD, who hast built thy Church on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner Stone; we give thee humble thanks that thou hast called us to the clear knowledge and light of thy Gospel in thy most blessed Son by the Holy Spirit.
"We bless thee that thou hast at this time given us the opportunity to lay the foundation of this House of God. May it be raised in due season to be a most Holy Temple unto thee--'where our prayers may ascend up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice.'
"Finally, we give thee most high praise and hearty thanks for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear. Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, and all others, whom thou hast delivered from the miseries of this wretched world, from the body of death and all temptation, and who have committed their souls into thy holy hands, as into sure consolation and rest: whose examples teach us to follow.
"Grant, we beseech thee, that we with them may fully receive thy promises, and be made perfect altogether; and being set on thy right hand in the place where there is neither weeping, sorrow, nor heaviness, may hear those most sweet and comfortable words--'Come to me, ye blessed of my Father, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.'"
The 100th Psalm was then sung by the assembled multitude, the Band taking the instrumental part: after which, the Lord Bishop gave the Blessing, and the Procession moved back to the Province Hall, and dispersed.
We're pleased to announce a very special event happening at the Cathedral on May 7th! Join us to hear internationally renowned spiritual teacher John Philip Newell. He will speak on Celtic Wisdom for this moment in time in relation to Earth and the human soul. It promises to be an enlightening event!
Join us in-person for the talk, conversation, a book signing, and a few light refreshments ($20 per ticket). People wishing to join from a distance can reserve an online ticket (free of charge). You are invited to make a donation which will help to sponsor seats for people who could not otherwise attend).
The event will be held Wednesday, 07 May, 2025, 6:00-8:30 p.m. inside Christ Church Cathedral. 150 Church Street, Fredericton, NB.
John Philip Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being. A ‘wandering teacher,’ he follows the ancient path of many lone teachers before him in the Celtic world, seeking the wellbeing of the world. He has been described as having ‘the heart of a Celtic bard and the mind of a Celtic scholar’, combining in his teachings the poetic and the intellectual, the head as well as the heart, and spiritual awareness as well as political and ecological concern.
The Anglican Church Women, in partnership with Health Ministry, served 30+ guests at a Christmas Luncheon held 11 December.
The theme was ‘Trees’. Members of the congregation loaned items for a display, and the variety of decorative Christmas trees added to the festive lunch enjoyment.
Personal care items and donations were collected for Grace House women's shelter.
Celebrate Christmas at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Fredericton!
Whether you are a Christian who has worshipped in the Anglican tradition, are of another Christian denomination, another faith entirely or, simply interested in understanding more about what our faith community is all about, you are warmly welcomed to join us in worship. There is no dress code, you are free to sit where you wish and to participate as you feel comfortable.
Christmas Day ~ 25 December
* 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (traditional) [organ & hymns]
Christ Church Cathedral is located at 150 Church Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick. On-street parking is available on nearby streets. Several accessible parking spaces are marked and available in the Cathedral driveway. The Cathedral is wheelchair accessible and has accessible washrooms.
Children are welcome at any time. The 4:00 p.m. service is a particular favourite of families with young children, and it lasts approximately one hour. An infant changing station is available in one of the washrooms.
If you would like additional information, please phone the Cathedral Office at (506) 450-8500. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Our office will close at 12:00 noon on Christmas Eve.
Alex Pope and Linda Hall, two of the many volunteers who assisted with the Pause Table.
On 09 December, members of the Cathedral branch of Mothers’ Union spent the day giving baked goods, bagels, treats and encouragement to students studying for exams at UNB.
The 'Pause Table' initiative has become one that is welcomed by university students during exam week. Campus ministries at the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University once again collaborated with faith communities to host Pause Tables during exams. Volunteers provided free food, beverages, a listening ear, and conversation, and handwritten personalized notes to give students a break from studying.
Thank you to everyone who provided time and treats for the Pause Tables!
Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?
Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.
MONDAYS - beginning 2 December
The Four Last Things: Seasonal study of the traditional eschatological themes—death, judgment, hell and heaven. Facilitated by the Dean, Geoffrey Hall. 1:00-2:00 pm in the Boardroom; online connection option.
* Email to register <dean at>
TUESDAYS - beginning 3 December
Taizé Worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, silence and song. 5:30 p.m. start.
3 and 17 December on Zoom
10 December in-person and livestreamed from the Cathedral
* Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.
WEDNESDAYS - beginning 4 December
Celtic Advent Spirituality Series: Contemplative ideas and practices for Advent and beyond, presented in the “Threshold Gathering” model/format. Led by Kurt Schmidt. In-person, 3:00-4:30 pm, Memorial Hall Lounge.
* Please reserve your seat with Kurt for any/all sessions.
THURSDAYS - beginning 28 November
Art & Faith: Conversation and short, guided weekly meditation on a work of sacred art related to the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and in the tradition of Ignatian (imaginative) contemplation. 5:30-6:00 p.m. on Zoom.
* Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.
Divine Office: Regular, short daily prayer opportunity in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m. Weekdays.
* Just drop in any time -- or sign up to lead!
Dante Group: But reading not-Dante now! Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
* Just drop in any time!
Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.
You are encouraged to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!
Questions or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!
Join Deacons Isabel Cutler and Debbie Edmondson for Listen, Love and Pray: Grief and Loss Support.
Growing in faith, grace, gratitude, hope, and love - holding space for being together with loss. People feeling grief and loss of all types gather to reflect and support each other’s experiences.
Held 7:00-9:00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month. Cathedral Memorial Hall, Lounge, 168 Church Street, Fredericton.
Anyone from the community is welcome to attend.
Things we grieve:
the loss of a loved one
the loss of a pet
a breakup or divorce
major life transitions
being unable to achieve a goal or fulfill a dream
a diagnosis
not living the life we hoped we would live
the effects of big decisions (even when those decisions are ultimately good for us)
losing a jobe or switching careers
a friendship breakup
the person we were before something traumatic or life-altering occurred
Gather with us in the Cathedral on Monday, 30 September, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
The Cathedral Office will be closed that day, in recognition of the holiday.
Creator God, Sunkwiyatisu and Gitchi Manitou,
Of peace, justice, and concord;
Open our ears, our eyes, our lungs, and our hearts,
Give us the spirit of condolence.
Instill in us the Good Mind.
Let us seek your justice in a broken world,
Let us search for understanding in your Creation.
Help us to be reconciled to you and to each other.
In the self-giving ethic of the Cross,
Let us be emptied of hatred and apathy,
Greed and selfishness.
Fill us with the wideness and wildness of your Spirit,
In the name of your First Son, Jesus Christ,
We ask all this. Amen.