Giving Tuesday 2024 – Help us reach out and make a difference!

This year we're once again participating in Giving Tuesday to make an extra effort to reach out to the community. We've made a $2000 commitment in advance to the Home and School leaders at Montgomery Street School in support of their food and clothing programme helping children who need a little extra help (the Cathedral has helped the school in the past). Help us meet that goal and more. Funds raised in excess will be well used for other initiatives, including our Monday Morning Outreach. (Read Outreach support continues as weather turns cool - 31 October 2024)

You're welcome to use the form for giving online and receive a chartiable tax receipt by email. Or clearly mark "Giving Tuesday" on an offering envelope in your boxed set, one you can find in our pews or one of your own. You may also drop off a donation to the Cathedral Office during office hours, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. A tax receipt will be sent to anyone who provides their contact information on the donation. We plan to continue the campaign until 15 December 2024 so there's still time to give.

Thanks for helping us make a difference!


Careless Walking by Brent White

This summer the Notable Acts Theatre Festival was 'Taking it to the Streets.'

"Careless Walking" by Brent White was one of six winners in "Street Scenes: Site Specific Plays," part of the 2024 Notable Acts Summer Theatre Festival.

Upper Canadian tourist and tech exec Evans Brockhurst, a man determined to disrupt all the paradigms with his new, cutting-edge technology, runs afoul of the local constabulary in the tech-averse Luddite haven of Fredericton, NB. His crime: walking while using his cellphone. Will his fancy devices and team of lawyers get him out of this jam, or will analogue rule (and digital rue) the day?

Directed by Len Falkenstein
Featuring Isaac Gilbert, Kaylee MacNeil, Esther Soucoup, and Kat Hall
Videographer Clarissa Andersen-White

Location: the SE corner of Church and King streets.

Careless Walking 1
Careless Walking 2

Writer's Note:

"Careless Walking" tackles a big issue we are facing in society: how do we deal with the extraordinary force and societal transformation stemming from the technology revolution?

From the rise of a handful of what we may well call monopolists - Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook to the fears provoked, by the rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence and robotics, to our discussions of smartphones in the classroom, various observers have tried to motivate their readers about our need to control big tech, its billionaire class, and the internet, if we still can.

My short play portrays a fictional Fredericton that has formed an island of resistance, so to speak, against this sea of change.

Hopefully, this play will bring the audience a few smiles, while at the same time leaving it with something to think about.

Brent White

Caring For Our Community

Many members of the Cathedral congregation have recently helped neighbours in our community by donating items for a young mother, and by providing snacks for the monthly Monday morning Outreach program for people in need. Your generosity is appreciated!

Here is a letter of thanks from the young woman, who received items to furnish a new apartment for herself and her son.

Click to enlarge