Christmas Memories: Surprises

It's wonderful to hear people's stories of Christmases past, and we're pleased that so many members of our congregation have taken the time to share them with us. Enjoy these stories of Christmas surprises, from Bernette Burnley and Ann Smith.

One of my fondest memories of Christmas is from when I was in my twenties.  I had left New Brunswick for a job in Alberta in November, knowing that I would not be able to return home for Christmas. It would be my first Christmas away!

As Christmas time approached, I was feeling sad that I would not be with my family for the Holidays! Two weeks before Christmas, I received a call from a delivery company saying that a parcel would be arriving for me. I thought perhaps my family had sent some Christmas gifts. To my delight and surprise, the “parcel” was a real Christmas tree from back home! My father was a Christmas tree grower who shipped his trees to the eastern United States, and this one he had shipped to me all the way to Alberta.

My roommates at the time were as shocked as I was to see we had received a real tree! I bought a tree stand, and we had a party where friends came and we made all the decorations to trim the tree. It was a wonderful Christmas after all, as that tree was so full of love from my parents and siblings! A very memorable Christmas!

- Submitted by Bernette Burnley


"One Christmas Eve, we hosted a family gathering. A blanket of fluffy snow had just fallen to set a beautiful wintry scene. Our eldest opened the door to check on the snow, and with wide eyes turned to me slamming the door shut. “Mum, Santa is coming from next door.” “Well, invite him in” I said. Santa greeted everyone, to the surprise of all present including my husband, who knew nothing of this planned visit. No one was more delighted or more surprised than my father-in-law, who always loved Christmas."

- Submitted by Ann Smith

Christmas Memories: “The Bob Tree”

The Christmas season brings with it an abundance of memories.  From the excitement and anticipation that we felt as children to the joy of watching our own children and grandchildren at Christmas.  But along with the happy memories, there are also those that are tinged with sadness and longing for those no longer with us.   Here, Ann Deveau shares with us the pain of losing her beloved brother, finding a way to honour his memory and working her way back to a place of comfort and joy.

A tree filled with memories!

My brother absolutely loved Christmas.

Bob taught his little boys that it was the birthday of Jesus and always put up a nativity scene before he bought and decorated their Christmas tree. He chose gifts thoughtfully for family and friends, loved to munch on "chicken bones" candy while the turkey was roasting, and belted out off-key Christmas songs such as "Little Drummer Boy."

He died of cancer at age 45. 

The first Christmas he was gone, I wondered how I would get through such an emotional time while grieving. He was my only sibling, and I missed him terribly. 

A wise friend suggested that I do something special to honour Bob's memory, so I made a charitable donation of library books in his name. Nice but not enough.

Then an idea struck me. I would create a Bob tree!

I bought a two-foot artificial tree, some white lights, and started gathering ornaments meaningful to his life. For example, I hung tiny photos of his boys on the tree, a crocheted lighthouse because we're from Nova Scotia, a Boston Red Sox ornament because it was his favourite team, glittery red balls because he loved that colour, a miniature manger scene, a little drummer boy, a book because he was a voracious reader, a soccer ball ornament because he played and coached. Well, you get the idea!

That first Christmas without Bob, I sobbed as I placed each item on the little tree. The tears flowed annually for several years. I kept adding more Bob-specific ornaments. It became my ritual every December, and it brought me great comfort.

It still does. But now, after 22 years, I smile more than I cry as I trim the Bob tree. 

- by Ann Deveau

Read another Christmas reflection about Ann and her brother, PA-RUM-PUM-PUM-PUM, which was shared in 2020.

Ann Deveau's "Bob Tree"


Christmas Memories: Christmas Eve music and magic

The Christmas Season is upon us and with it comes memories of Christmases past. We have once again asked members of the congregation to share some of their favourite Christmas memories with us so that we can share them with you. We hope you will enjoy a little glimpse into the memories shared here and perhaps be encouraged to share yours as well.

“My favourite childhood memories revolve around Christmas Eve. There was a feeling of great anticipation in the house as we all got ready for the evening church service, which kicked off the festivities. It was exciting to get “dressed up” for a special outing. And although we’d had all day to get ready there was always a last-minute rush to get us four kids out the door and into the car. Inevitably, Dad had to stay back for a few minutes because he couldn’t find his keys, or his gloves, or his hat. It was only much later that I realized that he was busy putting gifts under the tree. You see, it was during the Christmas Eve service that Santa visited our house, as he brought gifts to help us celebrate Jesus’s birth. The service was filled with carols, and I remember looking forward to the next 'song' – some things don’t change! Upon returning home, we would dash to the living room to see whether Santa had arrived and we would be amazed at what was waiting for us. Mom would prepare a feast, and we would enjoy special treats. When we headed to bed, our hearts – and bellies – were full.”

- Submitted by Monique Gignac


“When I was about 7 years old, we moved from Saint John to Lower Lincoln. Our home church became St. John’s Anglican in Oromocto. We always attended the 'late service' Christmas Eve, and that alone, lent a special air to the evening. Being allowed to stay up 'till midnight was absolutely unheard of in any other circumstances! I can almost feel the giddy anticipation of getting dressed up in our finest and heading out with a quick visit to the living room to check out the Christmas tree and making sure it was unplugged. I remember the manger scene at the front of the church but most of all I remember singing my little heart out. There’s nothing like a Christmas carol to make me want to sing! And when the service was all over, I remember stepping outside into the frosty night air and being surrounded by folks exchanging hugs and sharing best wishes with each other. Such a strong all-encompassing feeling of warmth, of kinship, and excitement all rolled into one. And maybe, just maybe, there might have been a quick glance at the sky to check for possible sleighs, before getting in the car and heading home for the most exciting sleep of the year."

- Submitted by Gail MacGillivray

Christmas Memories: Christmas in the Deanery

The Christmas Season is upon us and with it comes memories of Christmases past. We have once again asked members of the congregation to share some of their favourite Christmas memories with us so that we can share them with you. We hope you will enjoy a little glimpse into the memories shared here and perhaps be encouraged to share yours as well.

Christmas in the Deanery

Submitted by Ashley Walton Bird

"2021 was our first Christmas at the Deanery and the first Christmas together for John and me. We had a large Christmas party that year with our friends and family and it was one of my best Christmas memories to date. I can still hear the Christmas music and recall the delicious scent of the holiday desserts and appetizers. The best part was having everyone we love under one roof enjoying the togetherness of the Christmas Season."

Note: Ashley and John live in the former Deanery of the Cathedral, located between Christ Church Cathedral and Memorial Hall. They have been restoring the house, and you can see some photos of the interior below and on John's Instagram page, The Lost Loyalist.

Christmas in China

A member of our congregation, Helen Liang, grew up in China, and she sent us a few photos of Christmas there.

She says:

Christmas is an important festival in China. Most of the photos are of outdoor decorations, with only one image of a floating Christmas tree in a mall. Christmas is also the busiest time for the church, with various Christmas decorations in the church and various praise performances on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. But Chinese people don't eat Turkey at Christmas. There is no specific Christmas dinner, sometimes we will book in advance to eat at a restaurant.

Learn more about Christmas traditions in China: 9 Fascinating things about Christmas in China

Christmas in Germany

The Cathedral Communications Committee has invited members of the congregation to share their Christmas memories. Below is a story from Andreas Decken.

I grew up in Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. The Christmas season started on December 6th. In neighbouring Holland, the 6th is similar to Dec 25th in Canada, when gifts are exchanged. Where I grew up, kids put their polished winter boots in the hallway the night before, and Sankt Nikolas (Santa) would either leave chocolates or bare twigs from trees in the boots. You can guess who received bare twigs.

There were many outdoor Christmas markets. People sold handcrafted gifts, but there were, of course, many booths with food and the traditional “Glühwein”, spiced wine that is served hot.

Christmas was celebrated on the eve of Christmas, “Heiligabend”. On that day, children were not allowed in the living room so that they wouldn’t disturb the “Christkind” (Christ child), who was decorating the tree. The Christmas tree originates from western Germany, a tradition that goes back hundreds of years. Once it was dark outside, the Christmas tree was lit, originally with candles but later with electric lights. After re-citing Christmas poems and singing carols, I was allowed to open my gifts.

Later on Christmas Eve, we attended the Christmas service. After the service, we congregated in the market square. A large bonfire was burning, and the church trombone choir played carols late into the night.

When I got older, I was a member of the YMCA. In Germany, the YMCA is closely connected to the Protestant church, and we would have a birthday party for baby Jesus at Christmas. The young people in their teens and twenties attended this party on Christmas Eve.

Many other German traditions are quite different from here in Canada. Did you know that the German Santa lives in the clouds? Every time it snows, it is Frau Holle (his wife) shaking out the bedding. Sankt Nikolas comes on foot from the forest, and he is not dressed in red and white. He carries a large sack with the gifts for the Christkind to place under the tree.

Other German traditions include lighting the advent wreath which has four red candles; placing nutcrackers in the house; opening the advent calendar; doing lots of Christmas baking including Stollen, the German fruitcake; and of course, lighting the candles of the Christmas Pyramid. The Christmas Pyramid is a hand-carved nativity scene placed on a multi-tier carousel that spins due to propellers that are driven by the heat of the candles.

When I came to Canada, I realized that I knew quite a few of the popular Christmas carols, since they were translated from German into English. While it was composed in Austria, the most famous German language carol is likely “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht” (Silent Night, Holy Night). Even today, I cannot resist singing it in German when it is sung as one of the hymns in our Cathedral Christmas services.

Fröhliche Weihnachten! Merry Christmas!

Nursing with Candles and Carols

The Cathedral Communications Committee has invited members of the congregation to share their Christmas memories. Below, read a story from Marilyn Lewell.

Apart from wonderful times with my family, my Christmas memories involve music. Having sung in choirs since an early age, including school, church and community choirs, I remember singing Handel’s MESSIAH for the first time at 12 years of age, and almost annually since.

A special year was when my husband and I lined up outside Kings College Cambridge to be in the congregation for the famous Christmas Eve Carol service. It was magical.

Perhaps the most moving memory involved volunteering for the nurses’ choir in our uniforms, as we sang carols while carrying candles and visiting each unit of the hospital where we worked. Needless to say, that is no longer a tradition in hospitals but it was very special to the patients and nurses alike.

  — by  Marilyn Lewell