Volunteers needed for hospital worship services

Worship services will soon resume at the Dr. Everett Chalmers hospital in Fredericton, and volunteers from multiple parishes are sought for the following ministry options:

  • Lead in the Service of the Word
  • Lead in music ministry
  • Offer a brief reflection

Members of the Hospital Worship team will become members of the Spiritual Care Department at the hospital. This requires a yearly renewal by completing a series of e-learning modules from Horizon Health Network which are the basic requirements of all Horizon Health employees. Each module takes about 15 minutes to complete. Members are also required to have an updated criminal record check and sign a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Members of the Spiritual Care Department receive free parking, access to the employee entrance, and access to the Hospital Library and any educational offerings that are relevant (and/or of interest).

Anyone interested in assisting with worship services at the hospital should contact:

The Rev'd Debbie Edmondson, Deacon <debbie.edmondson at anglican.nb.ca>
Eva Morton <eva.moron at gmail.com>

Spring Tea provides treats, treasures, and outreach support

Cathedral Health Ministries with help from the Anglican Church Women (ACW), hosted a 'Spring Awakes' Tea in the Cathedral on the afternoon of April 23. This all-inclusive gathering was in keeping with the Medley Tea of former years that celebrated the arrival of spring.

The Reverend Isabel Cutler and the Reverend Debbie Edmondson, Deacons, opened the afternoon “celebration” with prayer and poetry readings.

Hank Williams, a Cathedral Verger (and Cathedral lay historian) displayed historical tapestries, sacramental and decorative items, and shared stories associated with the items. Attendees were pleased to see three tables of treasures; some of which are typically stored in the Cathedral vault. Items included:

  • The Royal Bible, given to the Cathedral by H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales on his visit in 1860. It was subsequently signed by many royals when visiting Fredericton, including Queen Elizabeth (as Queen, and when she was Princess), Prince Phillip, and King Charles (when he was Prince of Wales).
  • A Traveling Altar, used by Bishop Tully Kingdon, third Bishop of Fredericton (1892-1907) in his travels around the diocese.
  • Small bells made from molten metal from the original cathedral bells of 1853, following the fire in 1911. They were created to raise funds for restoration.
  • A silver communion set, said to have been given to St. Paul's Church, Public Landing, NB by George III.
  • Hangings for the high altar, designed and sewn by Lucy McNeill.
  • The Queen Victoria pulpit fall, said to be made from cloth from the coronation robes of Queen Victoria (unconfirmed).
  • An altar frontal with a label on the back which says it was hanging on an altar in Westminister Abbey on the day of the coronation of King William IV in 1830.

The Cathedral Outreach Committee was pleased and grateful to receive a large quantity and a wide variety of toiletries for the outreach program, which were donated by attendees of the Tea. These items will be offered to people in need, along with non-perishable groceries, supermarket gift cards, a bag lunch, used clothing and small housewares, during monthly gatherings held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon gathering of conversation, tea, treats, and viewing the vault treasures. It is so important to continue to host gatherings, as these events strengthen the bonds of our church community - spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Congregational Meeting with the Bishop

A congregational meeting will be held at the request of the Bishop from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 April. The meeting will be held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

All members of the congregation are invited to attend this follow-up to the November 2023 meeting about the cathedral building. Minutes from that meeting can be found in your Annual Report.

Guided Autobiographical Narrative Group

It’s your story to tell!

The Cathedral Guided Autobiographical Narrative Group will encourage story-sharing across generations as a way to strengthen the fabric of community and family life.

We plan to host 10 sessions in total. Spring sessions have been postponed and will resume in the Fall. Meetings will be held inside the Cathedral for ease of accessibility.

For more information and to sign-up, please contact Isabel Cutler <i.cutler at cccath.ca>.


Gather for tea, treats and treasures

The Cathedral Health Ministry and Anglican Church Women (ACW) invite you to attend a Spring gathering in the Cathedral.

Join us on Tuesday, 23 April from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Enjoy tea, treats and treasures. You’ll have the opportunity to view rarely-seen historical treasures from the Cathedral!

The Cathedral is wheelchair accessible. All are welcome.

Donations of toiletry items will be gratefully accepted for the Cathedral Outreach program.

Spirituality of Easter

Wednesday afternoon spirituality sessions at Cathedral Memorial Hall will continue through Eastertide, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

The sessions will maintain the now-customary basic structure of a "Celtic Threshold Gathering" -- which comprises a simple regular sequence of elements, informed by a specific theme for the day/week. Four of the seven Spirituality of Easter sessions will have as their theme a particular -- and particularly interesting -- saint!  Not to worry -- there's nothing required to memorize or prepare beforehand; it just means that the basic pattern of the gatherings will remain consistent. It also means that each session is "standalone," so drop-ins and even one-timers are most welcome!

Themes and topics include several saints. Please RSVP to Kurt Schmidt to prepare materials and set-up. Email <k.schmidt at cccath.ca>.

• 3 April ~ Holy Laughter / Risus Paschalis
• 10 April ~ no session (rescheduled to 22 May)
• 17 April ~ Kateri Tekakwitha
• 24 April ~ Celtic Eastertide
• 1 May ~ Catherine of Siena
• 8 May ~ Julian of Norwich
• 15 May ~ Brendan the Navigator
• 22 May ~ Anglican Prayer Beads

The session on Anglican Prayer Beads (build-your-own with supplies provided) has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 22 May at 2:00 p.m. in the Formation Room. Due to rescheduling, this session will now be 'Spirituality of Pentecost'


Donations sought for university Pause Tables

The Pause Table initiative has become one that is welcomed by university students during exam week.

Campus ministries at UNB and STU are once again collaborating with faith communities to host the tables during upcoming exams. Volunteers will provide free food, beverages, a listening ear, and conversation, and handwritten personalized notes to give students a break from studying.

The Cathedral branch of Mothers’ Union will host a Pause Table on Monday, 15 April, 2024.

Donations of food would be greatly appreciated from the congregation (baked goods, sandwiches, fruit, microwaveable noodles, etc.). Non-perishable items can be delivered to Cathedral Memorial Hall during business hours. Perishable items can dropped off on Sunday, 14 April during worship. Please mark them for UNB Outreach.

We also welcome volunteers who would like to spend some time at the Pause Table interacting with students. Contact Diane Nash <mrsnash68 at gmail.com> or Susan Watson <bagel.watson at hotmail.com> if you have questions or wish to be added to the schedule.

Filip Vanicek – My Journey Here

Filip Vanicek grew up in the lap of luxury. He and his family enjoyed a country estate and an ornate, five-storey building in the heart of Prague where they lived, along with much of his extended family.

“Our family were academics and lawyers,” he said. “My childhood was phenomenal, absolutely fantastic — until the Russians came."

* * *

Read the full article, written by Gisele McKnight and published on the NB Anglican website on March 19, 2024.

News from Belize

Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize, sent us this update. Please keep Ms. Martinez, her son, the high school scholarship students, and all of the elementary students and staff at St. Hilda's in your prayers.

Greetings Friends,

I pray that this email finds you well. Our school year started out well and so far we are managing by God's grace. There has been a lot of illness among both teachers and students. A terrible flu has been plaguing the schools so we are encouraging students to stay at home until it passes so that it doesn't spread.

I was supposed to share the reports with you since the first week of February but unfortunately, my son was in a motorcycle accident. I am so thankful that he is alive. His pelvic bone is open and both knees got injured. A ligament in his right knee burst as well so he is not allowed to walk for the next six weeks. We have four more weeks to go before his next evaluation. We are praying that both will heal on their own and he will not have to do surgery. It was a scary experience but God is in control. I am presently working from home because he needs someone close by to assist him.

I have attached the report of the three [scholarship] students. I have spoken to all students personally to encourage them to improve in areas where they fell short. Silvia [our new scholarship student] is doing very well in her class. She is a class leader and has received several certificates and awards. She participates in her school's praise dance team as well. They were encouraged to ask for assistance if needed because we are there to support them.

As soon as I am back at school I will give an update of activities that we are engaged in. We are about to start our "Child Stimulation Month" activities which starts March 1st. Our preschoolers will be involved in various activities throughout the month. We are excited to see what all will be accomplished. The theme for this year is "Magic Garden of Skills: Watch us Bloom".

I continue to say thank you so much for your invaluable support and partnership with St. Hilda's Anglican School. We will continue to pray for you as you pray for us as well. We love you all!


Many contributions to the pancake supper

Gary Barfitt, President of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, shared this message of thanks regarding the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper.

Gary Barfitt, David Perritt and Jim Morell - three of the many volunteers who spent time organizing and serving at the 2024 pancake supper.

As we close the books on our 2024 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, on behalf of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, I want to offer a huge thank-you to all those who helped make it a success. Thank you to all the volunteers who worked to get the pancakes, sausages, beans, and gingerbread from the back of the kitchen to the tables in the Hall. There were over 50 people taking care of the many and varied tasks required to feed this year’s over 170 patrons. And the generosity of those patrons raised more than $1900 towards the work of the Guild. We especially thank those people who supported us by attending the event and, apparently, enjoying the meal and the opportunity to spend time with friends.

Stay tuned for our next Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper which will be on Tuesday, March 4, 2025!

The approximately 220 people came and went over a two-hour dinner period, seated "family style" in long tables in the Main Hall. Don't worry, all of the volunteers got to eat, too! It was a great opportunity for conversation with fellow Cathedral members and neighbours from our community.

If you, or anyone you know, left an item at the event, drop by Cathedral Memorial Hall to check the coat rack and the Lost & Found box!

Several members of the Cathedral Communications Committee took photos of the popular event, which are shared below.