St. Hilda’s slideshow

Ms. Jane Martinez, principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize, recently sent this video which includes photos of the students and staff from 2024, and a holiday greeting.

Ms. Jane also sent this note:

Greetings Friends,

It has been a long and challenging year but a blessing nonetheless. As we come to the end of another year, I want to say how thankful we are to have you as friends praying for and supporting us. Words cannot express the appreciation that we have for your continuous support. Even though we are far in distance, know that you are dear at heart.

I pray that this Christmas season is a blessed and safe one for each of you. We look forward to your continued partnership in the new year. Love you all.


The Cathedral has a special relationship with the staff and students of St. Hilda’s Anglican School, an elementary in the rural village of Georgeville. Over two hundred children attend the school, ranging between kindergarten and grade 8, in addition to a recently established preschool.

Cathedral teams have travelled to Belize five times: in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018. Over 60 Cathedral members ranging in age from 15 to 79 have participated in a mission trip to Belize, and hundreds of people in Fredericton have supported the work at St. Hilda's through organizational support, donations and prayers.

In 2010, Cathedral mission team members established a high school scholarship program which has allowed students from St. Hilda’s to apply for a scholarship to continue their education past grade 8. Some of the graduates supported by the Cathedral have continued on to post-secondary education, and all have gained knowledge and experience that will help them in their future.

We are grateful for all who have helped to provide scholarships for these teenagers, and support for programs at the elementary school. Learn more about our mission work in Belize.

You can contribute to the mission in Belize through offering envelopes or donate online.

If you are interested in participating in future endeavors benefiting the students in Belize, please contact the Cathedral Office to connect with members of the Belize mission committee.



Posted in Belize.

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