Christmas Memories: Surprises

It's wonderful to hear people's stories of Christmases past, and we're pleased that so many members of our congregation have taken the time to share them with us. Enjoy these stories of Christmas surprises, from Bernette Burnley and Ann Smith.

One of my fondest memories of Christmas is from when I was in my twenties.  I had left New Brunswick for a job in Alberta in November, knowing that I would not be able to return home for Christmas. It would be my first Christmas away!

As Christmas time approached, I was feeling sad that I would not be with my family for the Holidays! Two weeks before Christmas, I received a call from a delivery company saying that a parcel would be arriving for me. I thought perhaps my family had sent some Christmas gifts. To my delight and surprise, the “parcel” was a real Christmas tree from back home! My father was a Christmas tree grower who shipped his trees to the eastern United States, and this one he had shipped to me all the way to Alberta.

My roommates at the time were as shocked as I was to see we had received a real tree! I bought a tree stand, and we had a party where friends came and we made all the decorations to trim the tree. It was a wonderful Christmas after all, as that tree was so full of love from my parents and siblings! A very memorable Christmas!

- Submitted by Bernette Burnley


"One Christmas Eve, we hosted a family gathering. A blanket of fluffy snow had just fallen to set a beautiful wintry scene. Our eldest opened the door to check on the snow, and with wide eyes turned to me slamming the door shut. “Mum, Santa is coming from next door.” “Well, invite him in” I said. Santa greeted everyone, to the surprise of all present including my husband, who knew nothing of this planned visit. No one was more delighted or more surprised than my father-in-law, who always loved Christmas."

- Submitted by Ann Smith

Posted in Cathedral Faces, Christmas Reflections.

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