Life-Enhancing Opportunity

Christ Church Cathedral Bishop and Chapter is currently seeking for its membership an individual to chair the Christian Formation Committee.  This committee’s primary responsibility is “to guide and sustain opportunities that will enable and encourage the development and growth of cradle to grave Christian formation”—and the Committee chair will take leadership in meeting that responsibility.

Position Description – The Committee chairperson will work with a team of dedicated volunteers who are interested in Christian Education and Formation opportunities at the Cathedral including responsibility for the support of the Director of Christian Formation, the Godly Play leadership team, the Mothers’ Union, and other formation program leaders.  (These programs currently include but are not limited to Godly Play, Cathedral Youth Group (CYG), sacramental preparation, Art & Faith, Taizé, and special liturgical-seasonal offerings such as the Cathedral ADVENT-ures and Ad-LENT-ures).

Importantly, the committee chair is a member of Bishop and Chapter and the liaison between The Chapter and all Christian formation programs.


  1. Schedule and conduct meetings of the Christian Formation Committee
  2. Complete reports for Bishop and Chapter, and attend Chapter meetings
  3. Submit budgetary requirements and requests to the Chapter
  4. Coordinate the completion of a year-end Committee report for the Annual Congregational Meeting


  1. Ongoing development and enhancement of your own faith
  2. Fellowship opportunities
  3. Knowledge of Bishop and Chapter activities and processes
  4. Opportunity to help all members of our Cathedral community to grow and deepen in their life of faith
  5. The gratification of meaningful and hard work—and the FUN!


This is a volunteer position open to all members of the Cathedral family eligible for Bishop and Chapter membership.  The position will begin with election in March 2025.  Please speak to any member of the Nominating Committee – Jane Hand, Jill Dunderdale, Kurt Schmidt, Dean Geoffrey Hall) if interested or if you require further information.  Contact can also be made through the Cathedral Office (506) 450- 8500.



Posted in Formation, Ministry.

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