Bishop McAllister College Music Department Update

Bishop McAllister Music Department – December 7th, 2020

Dear Friends,

With the library project coming to a successful conclusion in 2019, my mind began to turn in a new direction. Over the years I have seen first hand the love and passion students and adults have for Music, Dance, and Drama, nowhere more so than in the schools annual Music, Dance and Drama competition, and more recently as hosts to West Ankole Diocese church choir competitions in the same category. But more than this there have many examples over the year of the students love for music and a desire to learn and develop their talent, whether it is the choir, or learning the key board. We have been very fortunate for a number of students who taught themselves how to play the keyboard and helped facilitate chapel worship. It seemed now was the time to give them a great opportunity. So I began to dream a bit about a program for Music, Dance and Drama. A program that would also include opportunities to learn to play a variety of musical instruments, particularly the keyboard but including guitar and drums, and revitalising the school brass band.

So this is what I came up with …..

For those of you have known me and have supported this ministry over the years, you know I’m always prepared to dream a bit, always ready with a plan to match, but never big on the details like a time frame, other than God’s time. But always ready to take the first step and see where it goes from there.

So in January 2020 I resolved that we should take the first step and see what happens. And so we did.

Step one was to clear the space where the new music department was to be constructed.

As we prepare new site for construction (as well as harvest timbers), we were joined today by Chairman of BOG Lay Canon Freedom James and my long time friend and colleague, Rev. Canon Caleb Twinamatsiko, former Headteacher of Bishop McAllister College to break ground for our new music department project. Praise God for this wonderful start to the new year!

By March we were under way with construction of the foundation for the Choral Rehearsal Room. Praise God for this incredible development.

By mid – March we were making steady progress ….

By the end of March we had reached the first ring beam. Praise God!

With the coming of Covid and school closure work came to a halt. But only for a short time we hope and pray! We are so grateful for everyones financial support which has brought this far.

To God be the Glory”

May God continue to bless and keep you!


Posted in Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary, Mission and Outreach.

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