Normally in November, a healthy crop of paper angels appears on small trees in the cathedral and in the hall foyer.
Carefully printed on each angel is a name, an age and a particular toy to make Christmas special for a needy child in our community. Members of the congregation would excitedly crowd around the trees to adopt the angels and, later, return bags and boxes of toys and stocking stuffers.
“In recent years, the Outreach Committee has gotten 60 paper angels from the Greener Village Food Bank, collected and delivered everything on deadline, and took heart that our congregation was so generous,” explained committee treasurer Doug Milander.
“This year, due to the pandemic, we really didn't feel it was smart or safe to carry out the Christmas Angels program in the usual way,” Doug continued. “However, we didn't want to disappoint families registered with the food bank because the cathedral has participated eagerly in the Christmas effort for well over 25 years.”
Outreach Committee chair Penny Ericson provides a cheque for $1,800 to a delighted Chris Fougère, client intake manager with the Greener Village Food Bank. The money covers the cost of 60 toys and stocking stuffers ordinarily donated by the cathedral congregation under the Christmas Angels program for needy families.
The solution for 2020 was to donate an amount of money equivalent to the value of 60 toys and stocking stuffers. Managers at the food bank were relieved and grateful to learn that the cathedral could still help to make the festive season bright during this unusual year.
“We brought a cheque for $1,800 so that the food bank can buy what it needs for these families,” Doug said. “It won't be as much fun for the congregation this time, but the help will be provided as in the past which will put smiles on children's faces on Christmas morning.”
The Outreach Committee dipped into its budget to come up with the $1,800. If anyone would like to help with the cost of the project, funds can be donated to Christmas Angels through offering envelopes or by contacting the church office during business hours.
“Thanks in advance to anyone who considers assistance in this regard,” Doug concluded. “We pray that 2021 can revert to normal for the Christmas Angels.”
by Ann Deveau
PHOTO CAPTION: Outreach Committee chair Penny Ericson provides a cheque for $1,800 to a delighted Chris Fougère, client intake manager with the Greener Village Food Bank. The money covers the cost of 60 toys and stocking stuffers ordinarily donated by the cathedral congregation under the Christmas Angels program for needy families.