Today, there was music with the kids and more music with the kids! Rebecca and I, the music team, traveled around to the different younger classrooms and sang action songs with the kids. Once the kids got going, there was nothing stopping them! A fallout from teaching the kids these songs was that they were in high demand at recess! Stay tuned for “music videos” hopefully up and running by tomorrow evening.

Standard six girls singing to Rebecca

Time for Frogger with Nat

Caryn hanging out with her Infant 1 buddies

Kelly helping out in the classroom

Dean Hall discussing goals with Standard six boys
So awesome to see everyone having such a great time! Especially nice to see Nat there sharing his amazing musical talents.
What a team !
Safe travels, everyone?
Listening to the podcasts… looking at the pictures… you all are making a real difference in the lives of the children and the teachers. Often it is what we consider to be the little things that end up making the biggest impact. Kelly’s reaching out to the young girl who just lost her grandmother – I bet knowing that somebody noticed her and cares, has given her a real boost. Poverty, lack of resources at the school, and all of their struggles must be difficult to witness, but building relationships and letting them know that they are not forgotten, is a real gift beyond measure. By the way, it is snowing here again.
We’ve read your posts with great interest. Also, pictures help to show us what you’re experiencing. It looks like you’ve been a blessing to all those you’ve encountered and, we’re sure, have been blessed yourselves. We will be continuing to pray for you as you wind up your time in Belize.