Ready for Grade 12: Anique Hernandez

July 4, 2018

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

I received your letter that made me aware that you are Ms. Bev’s replacement so let me start off by saying “Hello!!”.   Although I will surely miss Ms. Bev, I am sure that it will be a delight working with you.  Hoping that you are doing okay.  I know we met on your visit back in January but I still want to formally introduce myself.  My name is Anique Ashanti Hernandez and I am 15 years old.  I am now a senior at Sacred Heart College.  I am probably the youngest senior at SHC.  I have enjoyed the last three years of high school, making it on the honor roll for five out of the six semesters, competing in elocution contests, playing softball and of course cheering.  Cheering is my favorite thing to do.  I enjoy it because I get to go to different places and motivate the players with our loud voices and contagious school spirit.  In cheer, we get to bring the school spirit every where we go.

The last three years have flown by and I have loved every minute of it with my teachers and friends.  This years that just passed however wasn’t my best.  My first semester was fairly ok.  I achieve a little less than normal but was still on honor roll.  My second semester however, was HORRIBLE!!  I truly want to apologize for that. I feel devastated, sad and every other depressing word that you can think of.  I disappointed everyone.  I really don’t understand the steep drop in my grades because I feel as if I was doing great with my school work and the results were shocking.  You will note this on my report card.  My teachers hadn’t returned my papers for me to prove that I wasn’t doing so bad.  I am SO disappointed in myself because although I did not fail, I didn’t do my very best and got serious disciplinary actions from my mom.  Please pray for me.   I am so sorry.  I will consider this a minor setback however and I promise to go back to my norm during my last year at SHC.

I will be awaiting word from you.  Thank you for all your kindness and please give the church my sincere apology.  I will not let you down ever again.

Love Always,

Anique Hernandez

Posted in Post Mission, Uncategorised.

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