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Bishop and Chapter News – October 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 15 October 2024 with 8 of 12 members present. Minutes of 17 September 2024 were adopted with thanks to J. Hand. “The Facilitator” by R. Schulte (the Center for Parish Development) was circulated in advance and briefly discussed. The author explored ways a leader can help a team with their work and the benefits to team members of doing so



• the usual summary of meetings and ministry since the last meeting of Chapter was delivered. Legal documents clarifying land title for the Cathedral were signed. A fall donation to the Anglican Foundation will be sent as per our recent usual practice. The Dean reiterated that of our 17 or so +/- 10% givers we have lost at least three over the last two years


• meetings of Diocesan Council, Synod Finance Committee; Synod Planning


• Greater Chapter 16 October. Diocesan Synod is 02 November


• Atlantic School of Theology - fall request for financial support


Giving Policy Funds - Chapter concurs with removing the Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign from our current list of funds

Replacement of Cathedral Furnace - that we withdraw monies from investment (Mary L. Boyce bequest) to replace the Cathedral furnace ASAP (approx $70,000) and apply to saveenergyNB for a potential portion rebate. There may be one Sunday without heat


Clarification with Synod - needed to aid in budgeting, determining ongoing maintenance and requirements in the future.


Nominating - an additional member of Chapter required for membership. One current chapter vacancy in Christian Formation.

Finance and Administration - D. Lewis engaged as sexton 01 October; Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign no longer exists; continue finalizing the Cathedral staff handbook; stewardship team (subcommittee) has been inactive for over a year

Welcome and Hospitality - organizing Safe Church training for 17 October; working on risk management Safe Church documentation

Health / Pastoral Care - potential for a fall blood pressure clinic on a Sunday; places to assist with an Anglican Church Women fall event; discussion about the installation of an automated external defibrillator (AED) at the Hall - estimated cost $1800-2600

Mission / Outreach - food cupboard has been installed (NW) by Mothers’ Union; Belize student scholarships and support for St. Hilda’s School has been sent ($5000 plus wiring fees); Christmas Angels programme to be organized by Kirsten McKnight and Claudia Vargus; Drop-in on the last Monday of the month will change to 9:30 a.m.

Treasurer - several statements and reports submitted for consideration including offerings by month, investment fund summary and Revenue vs Expense. September: Year to date Income - $432,841 Expenses - $478,804 Total deficit year to date (-$45,243)

Fredericton Cathedral Foundation - continuing work on legal articles of incorporation, land title clarifications, application for charitable status and the church’s operational requirements. No further word from the City regarding involvement


• Next meeting - 17 November 2024
• Diocesan Synod - 02 November 2024



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