14 February - 23 March 2024
During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)
MONDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 12 February
Home Study and Eucharist
Lectionary study and Communion for a small group. Weekly rotating location in group members' homes, 2:00-3:30 p.m. Facilitated by Dean Geoffrey Hall. RSVP.
TUESDAYS ~ Five sessions, beginning 20 February
Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art related to the upcoming Sunday's gospel. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, Drop-in online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.
Book Study: DFA
Book study of Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross by Richard John Neuhaus. Hosted by Alan Sears and James Kerr. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Alan Sears. Six sessions. Limited copies of the book available from Kurt Schmidt, $20.
WEDNESDAYS ~ Six sessions, beginning 21 February
Spirituality of Lent
Exploration of contemplative prayer traditions in the context of the liturgical season. Topics may include Centering Prayer, Celtic (Threshold) prayer, group lectio divina, praying with dreams, prayer and poetry, and Franciscan prayer. Various facilitators. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Kurt Schmidt.
Diocesan Book Study: LBD
Diocesan book study of Lent with the Beloved Disciple by Bishop Michael Marshall (2024 Bloomsbury Lent Book). Facilitated by Shawn Branch, 6:30 p.m., 60-90 minutes, online. Register through the Diocesan website to receive the Zoom link.
THURSDAYS ~ Seven sessions, beginning 15 February
Taizé Thursdays
Ecumenical and contemplative services of worship that incorporate simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating formats -- online via Zoom or in-person/livestreamed from the Cathedral. Drop-in. Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.
Dante Group
Ongoing study group currently reading The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1879-1880). Hosted by Alan Hall and friends. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hall Lounge. RSVP.
FRIDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 16 February
Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient devotional/meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral. Approximately 30-45 minutes long. Drop-in.
Contact Facilitators and Join
Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest / ask a question / RSVP. Take special note of online options. Flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.
Geoffrey Hall <dean at christchurchcathedral.com> (506) 450-7761
Kurt Schmidt <formation at christchurchcathedral.com> (506) 259-3711
Alan Sears <asears at unb.ca>
Shawn Branch <sbranch at diofton.ca> (506) 459-1801
Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at gmail.com>
Cathedral Office <office at christchurchcathedral.com > (506) 450-8500