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Lend your support to a school lunch and winter clothing program

We've raised almost $1500, so far, towards a local school lunch and winter clothing program through our Giving Tuesday initiative! Donations are still accepted online and through offering envelopes, with tax receipts provided. Thanks for your support!

Can we count on your support for our 'Giving Tuesday' campaign this year?

We have committed to continue our support for a food and winter clothing program for families in need at nearby Montgomery Street School, which has a number of children in need. Can you help fulfill our $2000 pledge? Donate to this project online using our Giving Tuesday donation page, or use an envelope marked "Giving Tuesday/school lunch program". Donations can be made anytime - not just on Tuesday! Tax receipts will be provided for contributions. Thank you for your generosity!

Montgomery Street Elementary School is located up the hill from Christ Church Cathedral, beside the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University. It has a diverse student body. Approximately 250 children are enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 5, and the child to parent ratio is high. Its Home and School Association, a volunteer group of parents, guardians and staff representatives, regularly fundraises for school initiatives and to support students and families in need.

The Cathedral Bishop and Chapter approved a donation in 2021 to assist with the school lunch program, provide winter clothing to students in need, and assist in the creation of sensory rooms for children with developmental needs. In 2022, $2000 was raised through a Giving Tuesday campaign, to support the lunch and clothing program organized by volunteers. We hope to continue supporting those programs for children in need, and hope that you will feel called to help.

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement which takes place each year after the retail sale days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The “opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals rally for favourite causes, encouraging people to give to charitable causes to transform their communities and the world.

Carrie Culligan-Yeamans is a volunteer with the school, and a member of the Cathedral congregation. She shares this message:

"Montgomery Street School’s Home and School Association is extremely grateful for the support from the Cathedral Outreach Committee and Cathedral members over the last couple of years. The congregation continues to show how God’s love can change the world and how it starts with our community! 

Our Home and School’s priority is to ensure that the students within our school have adequate winter clothing and food throughout the school day. We have been able to expand our hot-lunch program from two to four days a week, and to also provide milk four days a week to approximately a dozen children. Over the last couple of years, we have noticed the need grow throughout the school year as food and gasoline prices continue to climb. After the Cathedral’s donation last year, the school was also able to provide support a family of six who, unexpectedly, had a pipe burst in their apartment during a cold snap and had to seek temporary shelter in a motel. We were able to provide the family with some groceries during their stay and wouldn’t have been able to provide the support to the family if it wasn’t for the Cathedral’s generous donations.

On behalf of the students, parents and teachers at Montgomery Street School, I’d like to thank you for past donations and for our continued partnership."

The school is also accepting new or gently used winter clothing for children. Speak with Carrie or contact the Cathedral Office if you have items to donate, and we will ensure that they are delivered to the school.

Christ Church Cathedral is pleased to help children in need in our neighbourhood. We also engage in community support through regular Monday Outreach events, providing space for community social programming, and hosting and encouraging the performing arts.

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