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Bishop and Chapter News – December 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 14 December 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some reflection on “How to Shine Your Light for Christ - So how exactly do you shine?” – practical tips. Members added additional insights. Minutes of 16 November 2020 were adopted.

From the Dean

•  Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan was revised 01 December 2020 to accommodate the NB Orange Level of Recovery
•  in-person staff meetings continue. Sexton Ashley Swim 30 November
•  consultation with the Diocesan synod regarding temporary facility sharing
•  work completed on a proposal to equip the cathedral with video equipment for better live streaming in the future (December project)
•  Cathedral committee meetings as possible
•  diocesan meetings including Diocesan Council, Finance Committee, Creation Matters, and Fredericton deaneries’ clericus
•  brief report on Christmas worship schedule


•  Stipend and Salaries - In 2021: Cathedral staff 2% cost of living;. Dean’s Stipend $59,708 ($15,786 above minimum stipend scale)

•  Cathedral Video Equipment Project - acceptance of a proposal to purchase ($12,000 by the end of this calendar year) and install equipment for improved video live streaming and recording. Contributions to the Project (labelled “audio/visual”) are invited


•  2021 Budget - draft discussed. Challenges will include some reduction in offerings during the pandemic and no future government subsidies ($52,000 in 2020)


Treasurer - In November operations income exceeded expenses by $11,711. Diocesan Shared ministry contribution not owing in November due to reduced diocesan expenses year to date. Cathedral Shared Ministry reduced by $1000 per month in 2021. No further federal grants (Canadian Wage Subsidy) expected in December or in into 2021

Property - An initial meeting of the Restoration Committee was held C. Ferris chair). Several repair items: Bishop’s graves, choir room steps, window ventilation. Security camera system under review and awaiting proposal. New sexton 30 November. Heritage Standing to update 2016 report at a cost of up to $4000.

Communications - Coordination of advertising for Christmas. A next Cathedral Connections in the new year.

Health and Pastoral Care - meeting of Health Ministry before Christmas is expected. Health Ministry budget received

Worship - no recent meeting. Presentation of the Video Project proposal

Welcome and Hospitality - no events and little committee activity during the pandemic

Mission and Outreach - $1000 funding for St. Hilda’s School (Belize Missions) will be transferred in the next couple of weeks. Monday morning programme (Outreach) continues on the last Monday of the month in a modified format. Missions Committee needing members

Finance and Administration - hiring of sexton complete. Follow up with Treasurer on 2020 review engagement management letter recommendations. Stewardship Team: “narrative budget” for 2021

Nominating Committee - interim report. Good progress being experienced on acquiring nominations for positions opening in 2021. Further nominations welcome


•  Blue Christmas - 21 December, 7:00 p.m.
•  Christmas Eve - 4:00, 8:00, 11:00 p.m. Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m.
•  New Years Day - 11:00 a.m.

Next Meetings

18 January 2021, 16 February 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting


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