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The Season of Creation 2018

Season of Creation 2018 - 01 September - 04 October

Season of Creation 2018What is the “Season of Creation”?

Every year, from September 1st to October 4th, churches are called to participate in the “Season of Creation.” The World Council of Churches has been promoting this theme since 2008. This special time of year has gained popularity in Europe, and the United Church of Canada was the first to celebrate it here in Canada. Since 2017, all churches in Canada are invited to celebrate the “Season of Creation” in their faith community. The Green Churches Network is happy to offer a “box” of resources designed to make creation care more relevant and “doable” for your church. The Anglican Communion Environmental Network encourages Anglican churches worldwide to participate.

Why September 1st to October 4th?

In 1989, Demetrios I, Patriarch of Constantinople decided to dedicate the first day of the Orthodox liturgical year (September 1) to the protection of the environment. He then invited the whole Christian world to join in so that “every year on this day, we raise prayers of thanks for the great gift of the created world, prayers of supplication for its protection and salvation.” In 2015, Pope Francis named September 1st the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

October 4th is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of ecology in the Catholic tradition since 1979. He is a model of integral ecology, demonstrating that the love for the poor, the sick and for all creatures comes from the same Source.

What to do during the “Season of Creation?”

Christian communities are invited to organize various activities on the theme of Creation Care between September 1st and October 4th: prayer services, intergenerational activities, conferences, activities for children and young people, fund raising, etc.

The Green Churches Network has created the “Season of Creation in a Box” to help inspire educational, action-centered and spirituality-themed activities in your faith community.


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