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Why we do what we do – Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection

Why we do what we do - eucharistic practiceAt Christ Church Cathedral, we take health and safety seriously.

From time to time there are questions about precautions followed to reduce the risk of infection in the administration of the Holy Eucharist.

First and foremost, we follow our own diocesan Bishop's Directive 3.4 on the Administration of the Sacrament. This includes making intinction (dipping) of the host (bread) available for those who wish not to drink from the common chalice (cup). In following the practice of intinction, it is important that only the administrator of the host touch the host prior to it coming in contact with the contents of the chalice. Those who are making Communion are required to indicate their wish for intinction to the administrator BEFORE taking the host.

These instructions are included on church bulletins each Sunday.

For more information on Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection, see the article on the web site of the Anglican Church of Canada.


Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection - Anglican Church of Canada

By David H. Gould, BA, MD,CM, FRCPC, FICA, A.Th Introduction With the discovery of AIDS a number of fears have arisen regarding the risk of the infection being spread by the use of the "common cup" at the Eucharist. This in turn has led to a re-examination of Eucharistic practices and their potential for transmission ...

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