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Letters from Belize scholarship students

The most recent letters from our high school scholarship recipients are below. Our congregation currently sponsors four students' high school tuition. In Belize, high school is not publicly funded, and these students would have financial difficulty attending if not for the scholarships they receive.

Some of the letters were long, so we have included excerpts.

Letter from Amalio (Grade 9 - our newest scholarship recipient)

Joyful greetings from Amalio Revolorio and wishing you the best of all the blessings.

I am a 13 year old child. I was born on March 27, 2011. My favourite sports are football and volleyball. One thing I enjoy doing the most is reading books. I love to read non-fiction books, because some books talk about a person’s life, often giving advice.

As a person I am respectful and kind. Things I like about myself are that I am a very dedicated and responsible. In my family at this moment there is only three of us, my mother (single), my brother and me. I have my grandparents living only from my mother’s side. The family close to me is my mother’s family.

I am in 1 Tapir, that’s my class name, and I am the class president. My classes have been good so far. I learnt things in primary school and I am familiar with them, so I understand the work especially when it comes to Math and English subjects. At my orientation day I was nervous, but as the week went I adapted to the classroom and I started talking with some students. What I enjoy from my homeroom teacher and subject teachers is that they are kind, respectful and most important helpful. What I enjoy about my subjects is that I understand them as well as I enjoy myself learning them.

My goals for this school year is to have a 90% and above in every subject so I don’t take exam, also I look forward for a 4.0 GPA and I will achieve this goal by doing my work as best as possible. If I needed help along the way I think my friends can help me because they are dedicated.

As a president I face challenges. Some of my classmates don’t listen when I speak to them. I cope with this challenge by being strong and not giving up. I also told the homeroom teacher about it.

Thanks to God because by his grade I have no subject giving myself trouble. The only thing is that I had never used a computer so I am slow with typing on it.

Now I say thank you for the scholarship. I am very appreciative of it. This scholarship has helped me to stay more focus and show more interest in my studies. I will do all my classwork, homework and projects to pass so I can keep this scholarship. If I could change one thing in the world, it would that there may be free education everywhere. I would change this because I show interest in school and my studies, I want to continue studying and I know I am not the only one who wants to study. I would like to give this message to the world: “appreciate what you have because not everyone has what another person has.”

I would like to wish you the best of the best for you and your family, I wish you more prosper.

With love and appreciation,


Letter from Sylvia (Grade 10)

Dear sponsor,

I am writing to thank you once again for always helping me. It has been such an honor to me. I am very grateful for your financial support and will forever be thankful.

I am now in the 10th grade and have been doing very well. I hope to continue and I will. This year was a blast and I had so much fun. I have been participating in so many activities like dances, acting and so forth. I would really like to join a sport, but there are no girls’ teams. This year I participated in the school’s harvest presentation. My class and I did a beautiful dance. I also participated in the chapel skits and dances and the Christmas presentation. We also had some sports days which I also participated in.

We had our 1st semester exams and I’m pretty sure I passed. I love my school so much and would never change to another school. Also, I never got any demerits nor suspension, I never disrespect teachers, I always do my homework and get good grades, I am also helpful to teachers and I will continue doing my best. I have a very big goal and I really want to succeed.

Once again, thank you so much.

Sincerely yours truly,


Letter from Caleb (Grade 11)

Dear friends of St. Hilda's,

Merry Christmas friends of St. Hilda's, I hope you and your family are having a very merry Christmas.

As my journey at Belmopan Comprehensive High School hasn’t been easy but I continue to push on because I’m determined to make my family proud and reach new height.

With 2nd semester around the corner I plan to join my school’s track and field team again but to do so I have to keep all my grades high. We also received word that we will not be taking exams this year but instead a major project.

May God keep us safe for further days ahead, and I greatly thank you for this amazing opportunity.


Letter from Korey (Grade 12)

Dear Christ Church Cathedral,

I hope this message finds you well. As the year comes to a close and the Christmas season arrives, I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for your generous support through this scholarship.

Your contribution has made a significant difference in my academic journey, and I am truly thankful for the opportunities it has provided. I am now at the exciting stage of deciding which college I will attend to further my studies, and I currently have two options in mind. Before making this important decision, I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance you might have. If there are any colleges you would recommend, I would be grateful for your insights.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful Christmas filled with peace, love, and happiness. May the New Year bring you continued success and blessings.

Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity.

Warmest regards,



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