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Volunteers needed for Corn Boil

On 15 September, 2024, we will host a corn boil and picnic, following 10:30 a.m. worship. National Indigenous Archbishop Chris Harper will preach at the Cathedral during the service, and we hope that everyone in the congregation will stay for food and fellowship!

We need your help to make it happen. Many hands make light work!

Volunteers are needed for the following roles:

* Set-up – Arrange tables on lawn, some chairs, table cloths, disposable dishes, large garbage bins, serving trays, fill drink dispensers, butter & salt, arrange sweets, etc.  

* Kitchen Duty – Boil water, cook corn, put in covered trays to be delivered to Cathedral lawn, cut watermelon, clean kitchen afterwards

* Runners – Carry trays of corn from kitchen to lawn. Get any other supplies needed from the kitchen or sacristy during the event  

* Corn Table – Serve corn (napkins and paper plates will be on the table). Direct guests to a separate self-serve table with butter and salt

* Drink Table – Serve drinks. Direct guests to a self-serve sweets table, if they haven’t been there already

* Popcorn Machine – Make popcorn using our own machine

* Clean-Up – Put away garbage, pack up leftovers, bring serving dishes to kitchen, wash drink dispensers, put away tables and chairs, etc.

The Welcoming and Hospitality Committee will organize the purchase of supplies.

Donations of sweets will be appreciated.

Contact Andreas Decken to volunteer. Email: <adecken at>. Thank you for your assistance in making this event possible!

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