Site icon Christ Church Cathedral

Help requested – caring for university students

Through exam week, campus ministries are collaborating with faith communities to host Pause Tables. Volunteers will provide free food, beverages, a listening ear and conversation, to give students a break from studying.

The Cathedral branch of Mothers' Union will be handing out treats to the UNB students again this year on 11 December.

You can help by contributing some items!

Deliver non-perishable items (e.g. drink boxes, packaged snacks, hot chocolate packs, etc.) to the Cathedral on Sunday morning or leave them at the Cathedral Office labelled for MU or UNB outreach.

Deliver baked goods (e.g. cookies, muffins, etc.) to the Hall kitchen on Sunday, December 10th between 2-3:30 and 5-7:30 as volunteers from Mothers' Union will be in the building at those times.

Thank you for your help in reaching out to provide care and comfort to university students in our community.

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