Members of the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) were happy to gather in-person on 17 October, after an extended summer break. About a dozen were in attendance; a combination of high schoolers, middle schoolers, and youth leaders, including three new members in Grade 6.
Returning members were very pleased to see one another again in the CYG circle after such a long time away. The group sang, prayed, played games, and discussed their goals, desires, and plans for the next few months.
Kurt Schmidt, Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, was pleased with the long-anticipated return, saying, "Thanks to all who helped make our Fall 2021 CYG Launch last Sunday such a lovely time together." He is especially appreciative of the assistance of several youth leaders, who have a great rapport with the kids.
At the gathering, he also unveiled a new feature... a location change! CYG has spent much of the pandemic meeting online, outside, in the Cathedral, and in the Main Hall. This fall, a decision was made to convert the Youth Room on the top floor of Memorial Hall into a workspace, allowing the Diocesan Synod Office to expand their daily operations. CYG is in the process of moving their materials to the ground floor and will be creating a gathering area on the stage. During their meetings, they will continue to use a variety of areas in the Cathedral and Hall that complement their activities, whether they be active, musical, prayerful, virtual, or culinary.
On 24 October, the youth returned to the Hall for pumpkin carving in the kitchen. They laughed and got messy, while making jack-o'-lanterns that won prizes for "(1) spookiest, (2) cleverest / creativest / wildest, and (3) youth-groupiest pumpkins."
Please note that proof of double vaccination or medical exemption for ages 12+ is required for indoor gatherings in the Cathedral and Hall, and masks are mandatory. Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance on these fronts.