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A Message of Thanks from Isabel Cutler

Dear Cathedral friends,

My family join me in saying:
Thank you so very much for all your letters, cards, condolences but more especially contained within them expressions of such love, care and support in every way. You truly are a Scriptural example of following Jesus' teaching on how to care for those who are in grief and mourning. Your action through words and prayer have sustained me during this time. I have known the Grace of the Holy Spirit daily manifested in the peace, courage, stamina to do what I needed to do. My prayers have been for you. Please keep praying, it is early days yet!!

Who would have ever thought my dear Nathan, whom so many of you knew would leave us all so quickly?

As a long time member of the Cathedral family, Nathan loved and delighted in being involved in the Cathedral life; he was looking forward to the time when we would return. Nathan loved life. "Life is wonderful, full of wonder" he would say. He has taken that with him, I am sure as he steps forward into the 'great mystery" that is God.

We have postponed a Memorial Service at the Cathedral until next spring/early summer due to our present COVID situation. God willing we can celebrate Nathan's life with tears and laughter with the hope that COVID restrictions are eased. A small group will be planning a rose garden in his memory in Fredericton over these winter months. Any suggestions will be very welcome.

I have waited a few weeks, on my return to Fredericton, to send this message of thanks for all of you. I do so now at this time of Thanksgiving when we give our thanks to God Our Father, Son and Holy Spirit who loves us and is with us amidst all that we have to face, and who is so willing to fill us with His Grace, His gifts to help, and sustain us always.

Thank you dear friends. I look forward to when I can meet you face to face and give my thanks to you personally.

In the meantime, be safe and above all let us appreciate each other for the very special people God has made us to be.

I ask God's blessings for us all.


NOTE: If you would like to reach out to Isabel, please contact the Cathedral Office by phone (506) 450-8500 or email for more information.

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