2021 Annual Report (for 2020)

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday, 21 February at 11:45 a.m, following worship. A representative from each family in the congregation is urged to participate.
Members of the congregation can participate in three ways:
1) Attend the meeting in-person. Please sign up separately for worship and in-person attendance at the meeting. Maximum capacity of 50 for each event, according to pandemic regulations for gatherings in the Orange Alert Level.
2) Observe the meeting by watching the livestream on the Cathedral YouTube channel.
3) Participate online via Zoom, using the link in your Friday bulletin email (if subscribed), or email the Cathedral Office <office at christchurchcathedral.com> for the link. If you've used Zoom on your device before, you're all set. If not, you'll be given instructions for installing the Zoom application. Zoom participants will be able to view speakers at the lectern, vote, and ask questions through a moderator. Looking for detailed instructions for voting via Zoom?
See the "Voting on Zoom" how-to guide.
Please bear with us as we launch out in these new ways of being the Church in community with the uncertainties we face.
View the Annual Report or obtain a print copy at the back of the Cathedral.