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Who Would Have Thought?

Full confession: The first time I sent a fax, I was totally in awe. My best friend was on holiday in Scotland and we had just had a fax machine installed in our office. The very idea that she was receiving my words at the same time as I was pressing that button… Well, let's just say it was a moment in time for me.

Fast forward to last Thursday evening. The fax machine awe returned in spades! Our Bible study group face timed our entire study! It took me awhile to brave going from audio to video but I did it and what a great discussion we had! Contrary to the idea that we might talk over each other, being able to see faces made all the difference. It was like being in the same room, except we weren't! But what a nice feeling to actually see those faces!

From that experience, I have concluded that video chats with my family and friends are going to become part of my routine. There is comfort in seeing that face that you love and the many expressions that cross it during a conversation. The telephone is OK but if you have the technology, I encourage you to step outside the box and tap the video button. It's a little intimidating seeing yourself but the gift of seeing everyone else makes it all worthwhile.

We are all in this together so let's use the technology to be together when we can't!

By the way, it was really nice being at Church with 118 of you and thanks to everyone who made that possible!

-- Gail McGillivray

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