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Bishop and Chapter News – January 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 21 January 2019 with ten of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 17 December meeting and notes from the 14 January were adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the church liturgical year and specifically the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas), reading from Luke 2:22-38.

Business Arising

Road Home letter of intent - no update
By-Law update - the December 2017 version will be modified with nominating committee details
Lower hall floor - repair completed
Committee work plans - most committees working toward finalizing
Thanks to E. Saunders - thanks have been communicated
Letter of thanks - template for letter to large gift donors TBD
Welcoming - Chapter members encouraged to assist by signing up to be welcomers. Spots have been added for welcomers on Sundays

From the Dean

Usual commitments during the past month both Cathedral and diocesan. Christmas attendance about 550. Many to do’s at this time of year with year end requirements: annual returns, reporting. Working toward further clarifications and simplification of financial reporting. Committees and groups asked to submit 2018 minutes or notes

For Decision

2019 Budget - the current draft was accepted with minor revisions. Most committees have reduced amounts in an attempt to balance income and expenses. Based on 2018 revenue, a significant deficit would seem likely in 2019.
Project 2045 - task force to address the future of the Cathedral and Memorial Hall, terms of reference and membership adopted


2019 Annual Meeting - Hospitality/ Welcoming and Communications proposed a plan for a new format annual meeting on 24 February. One 10:30 a.m. worship followed by a luncheon, meeting to begin at about 1:00 p.m.. Committees all asked to provide 2 minute presentations on 2018 accomplishments and a look ahead to 2019. Chapter agreed and will support the plan.


Nominating - nothing to report
Administration and Finance - meeting with the Diocesan Stewardship Officer soon. Records management and giving policy projects continuing
Christian Formation - Cathedral revealed event 27 January. Strategic planning will form the framework of the 2019 work plan
Communications - continuing with usual efforts with Facebook and web site
Welcoming and Hospitality - current trial of welcoming initiative of Sundays at 8, 10 and 11:45 a.m. going well with a need for volunteers with the need for volunteers, especially at 10 am . Planning for Annual Meeting new format
Property - proceeding with preparations to sell O’Dell House. Lower hall floor repaired.
Mission/Outreach - programs continue. Belize Missions Dessert and Games Night 17 February. No Road Home project update
Health and Pastoral Care - budget prepared. Meeting next week
Worship - additional budget request for flowers and ribbons for Christmas wreaths. Need to review internal communications re memorial flower gifts


17 February - Belize Missions Dessert and Games night
24 February - 10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon, Annual Meeting

Next meetings: 11 February, 24 February Annual Congregational Meeting at 1:00 p.m.; 18 March


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