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Bishop and Chapter News – October 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 15 October 2018 with ten of twelve usual members present. Bishop Edwards joined the Chapter for the first hour. Minutes of the 17 September 2018 meeting were adopted.

Business Arising

St. Margaret’s Scouts - meetings have moved to the Parish Church.
Nominating Committee - membership to be appointed and an amendment to Cathedral By-Law to be considered
Treasurer Address to Congregation - 2 minutes for regarding current financial status to be scheduled in the next few weeks
Anglican Foundation of Canada - annual contribution of $100 sent
National Trust Conference - individuals to attend identified


Property (re) development. Bishop Edwards was present primarily to share a status update on property issues. The Bishop reminds everyone that with many opinions, ideas and options to consider, things can get complicated, take time and in some cases be costly to investigate. He shares our wish that decisions be made in the very near future. He shared a couple of specific possibilities as to what the next steps could or should be (including one very new). It was agreed that the congregation soon needs to be informed and involved.

From the Dean

The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment since the last meeting. Items of note:
Discernment Committee - a committee to guide a Cathedral congregational member in discernment leading to ordered ministry in process (Bishop’s office)
11 November - is a Sunday. 10 a.m. worship to 9:45 a.m.
Stewardship - is the management of our resources: skills, talents, assets, time, money. Improved stewardship was identified as a priority item during the 2018 review of the Dean. He suggests our need to be more conscious of improving our stewardship mindset both corporately and individually. He noted that currently no one person or committee in our corporate structure is responsible for issues of stewardship, and asked if this should be addressed.

For Decision

Nominating Committee - In accordance with by-laws a motion was carried appointing the Dean, Catherine Schmidt and Tom Fetter reporting to the Annual Meeting in February. A change in process for future years was presented in the form of an amendment to the by-laws. Going forward it has been proposed that the Committee be elected by the annual meeting rather than by the Bishop and Chapter.
Lou McKnight vacation - additional week granted for 2019.


Treasurer - presented the summary financial statement to the end of September. While we can be hopeful that October - December giving will strengthen, we are currently well below our anticipated position to date. Expenses exceed unrestricted income by $92,378 to 3rd quarter.
Administration and Finance - project items continue: Records management, giving policy, land title migration, lay staff manual, By-Law considerations
Christian Formation - meeting this week. Fall startup of various programming has materialized as expected
Health and Pastoral Care - Brief update on current programs and activities. Pledged contributions towards salary of the parish nurse are currently close to the annual target.
Communications - Chair of Hospitality attended the last meeting to identify some synergies. Regular efforts continue
Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership - a first meeting held. Welcome strategies and final terms of reference being considered


Diocesan Synod - 03 November; Evensong - 21 October

Next meeting: 19 November 2018


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