03 June - Second Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
God be in my head - Murray
Festive Eucharist - Rawsthorne
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Jesu dulcis memoria - Victoria
515, 459, 434, 476, 526(318)
Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 - Buxtehude
10 June - Third Sunday after Pentecost
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Thou knowest, Lord - Purcell
Darke in E
Psalm 138
Behold, the tabernacle - Harris
574(Old 124th), 620, 631, 57, 306
Tuba Tune - Cocker
17 June - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord - Mudd
Wood in C minor
Psalm 20
O sacrum convivium - Tallis
10, 478, 546, 617, 362
Litanies - Alain
24 June - The Birth of St. John the Baptist
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
The great forerunner - Vaughan Williams
Gibbons’ Short Service
Psalm 85:7-13
This is the Record of John - Gibbons
282, 12, 106, 52, 276
Incantation pour un jour saint - Langlais
4.00: Ordination (BAS)
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
Psalm 87:7-13
Ave verum - Willan
349, 466, 59, 48, And can it be?
Dance Suite (1st movement) - Ridout
David Drinkell, Director of Music