Site icon Christ Church Cathedral

You Better Belize it!

It is official! The 2018 Belize mission team has booked their flights and will be starting preparations soon for their mission trip in January. The team consists of Carol Ann Melvin, Rebecca Butler-Goddard, Nat Fetter, Caryn Gunter, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Kelley Hall, Beverly Morell and Jim Morell. Please keep them in your prayers, along with the staff and students at St. Hilda’s Anglican School, and stay tuned for ways you may be able to help out as part of the home team.

While the mission team will fund their own expenses, contributions to the Belize Mission are welcome. There will be other  expenses, including the cost of the mission projects (yet to be determined) and support for St. Hilda's School.

But one fund-raiser is the sale of limited edition Cathedral lapel pins ($20 each). Speak to the Dean or visit the Cathedral office.

Most especially, please pray for the members of the mission team and watch for other ways to support this reaching outside of our Church walls.

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