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2015 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Advent 2015

Dear Friends,

Christian Faith is unique among the religions of the world. It was Martin Luther who once offered a short and precise summary of the uniqueness of the Christian Faith when he said, “We find the heart and will of the Father in Christ.”

To the world Christmas has become a very important season. For society-at-large it is a time of good will and gifting, a time of good cheer and togetherness. The Church recognizes these elements of the season and links them firmly with the “reason for the season” — Jesus. Could there possibly be a better reason to celebrate the joys and merriment of the Christmas Season than the birth of the one whose title appears in its very name — the Christ.

Why is Christ and Christmas important to Christians?

“We find the heart and will of the Father in Christ.” The appearance of Christ in the world removes the veil that exists between us and the Divine nature of God and reveals the very heart of God. “He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being …” (Hebrews 1:3)

He is not identical with God but he and the Father are one. In Jesus there is not just a certain likeness to God but rather in Jesus, is the love of God. One in will, one in heart, one in purpose. Where Christ is, there is God; and where Christ is active, there God is active also.

What better reason to express the attitudes of the season — “peace on earth, happy holidays, good will among all?” Jesus has offered us the assurance that God is merciful and kind and has love for us beyond all measure. His very Spirit has entered into our experience and become flesh! God himself has come and dwelt among us in order to show us his heart.

At the Cathedral we will once again celebrate the great mystery of the Incarnation and as a family, break bread in remembrance of him and our salvation through him. You are invited to make your Christmas Communion with the Lord and Saviour and with the members of his community of believers at one of the scheduled service times. If you are unable to be present at the Table of the Lord because of illness or some other cause and would like the Sacrament at home, please phone the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500 to make arrangements. A schedule for the Season is HERE.

Have a happy and blessed Christmas!

Geoffrey Hall, Dean of Fredericton

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